If you would like to support the women’s refuge by making a donation, please contact us by phone on 02237 7689 or email at: frauenhaus.erftkreis@t-online.de
We are pleased to receive donations in honour of specific events and money raised for our women’s refuge as part of campaigns against violence directed at women and children.
Our donation account is:
Verein zur Förderung des Frauenhauses e.V.
IBAN: DE79 3706 2365 2804 8560 16
All donations are spent responsibly and are used solely to fund Frauenhaus Rhein-Erftkreis e.V. We are happy to provide proof of how donations are spent – please contact us.
If you would like to support us on an ongoing basis, you can join our funding organisation. Members receive an annual newsletter and membership can be cancelled in writing with immediate effect at any time.